“I resolve to give God everything I got and the results are up to him”. Coach Grant Taylor said as he stood on the Football Field. This one line, not only affected the players on the field, but caused me to think of my own relationship with God. I had been struggling to pick a movie to watch for this week’s review. I was sitting in church this past Sunday morning, and my pastor stood up to give the morning sermon. Facing your giants was the theme, and I smiled because God had just picked the movie for me to review; at home, amongst a pile of DVDs, Facing the Giants was sitting on top.
Keeping in the tradition of past football films, such as Rudy and Remember the Titans, Facing the Giants tells the story of a down and out football coach who is struggling with a string of defeats, both personal and on the field. When Coach Taylor decides to hand his problems over to Jesus Christ, his life and the lives of the players he coaches begin to change dramatically.
Unlike its Hollywood predecessors, Facing the Giants is not a film that just inspires; it is a film that delivers a Godly message. Instead of focusing solely on the game of football, this film focuses on truth, and how the power of Jesus Christ can affect a person’s life, right down to how they play football.
This movie contains no foul language or sexual situations. This film does present the gospel, but does not give the plan of salvation clearly enough for non-believers to receive Jesus Christ. Mature Christian should be prepared to present the plan of salvation or answer questions after the film. This movie is appropriate for all ages.
LC (Green) Chapman